Diamond Painting Storage

Today is all about storage, and by that I mean diamond painting storage cases. Not the storage in my craft room as that isn’t changing.

Initially, this was hard. As a person who loves organisation, I love going to kit up a painting and having the perfect container for the drills to go into. It makes me happy, it makes me smile and who doesn’t love going into a new project all full of smiles and happiness?

Before going into this part of the project, my cases took up one large shelf on my big bookcase, 2 shelves on my small bookcase, 2 drawers in my Kallax and I’d also often have projects waiting to be de-kitted floating about. For such a small craft room, this is just too much space for things that aren’t being used all the time.

So, to tackle this I set myself a limited amount of space for these cases - 3 1/2 shelves on my small bookcase and 1 Kallax drawer. I also really thought about the usefulness and how much the storage has been used over the last year or so.

My Small Bookcase

As you can see by this image, I have paired down my options. I kept cases based on how many pots they have, or the different size options within the cases.

This small shelf also shares space with my logbook and small on going projects (PaintGem & HAED diamonds)

The Kallax drawer holds my small storage cases that are perfect for little projects. You’ll be able to see that in my after Craft Room video that will be coming soon.


Bookcase Organisation


Diamond Paintings